Forensic analysis of personal data


We find evidence that would otherwise stay hidden

Traces found in emails, browsing history, calendars, files can reveal unknown details of the crime

Forensic analysis is provided by Brno University of Technology

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Unique Forensic

We find traces in personal data based on crime description, crime scene and its extended surroundings

Personal data analysis by crime scene has no alternative among the available forensic tools

We find evidence that cannot be obtained by manual inspection

Time of Analysis

Inspection of personal data can take up to several months

15,000 work-home emails, 10,000 browsing history webpages, 1,000 calendar items are 26,000 data to inspect for a person (real sample)

We provide traces of evidence in a timely manner, which is crucial for criminal investigation

Form of Report

Discovered traces of evidence are reported as Specialist Statement

Specialist Statement is issued by Brno University of Technology

Sample Traces

Traces of evidence in emails (incl URL links): credit card payment receipt near the crime scene, hotel booking near the crime scene, train tickets in proximity to the crime scene, communication that mentions business name, address, building no., etc. in the vicinity of the crime scene and the sender/recipient

Traces of evidence in browsing history: search for information about the entity near the crime scene (opening hours, webcams, occupancy), route planning (car, foot, public transport) in proximity to the crime scene, map view of the crime scene area, accommodation offers close to the crime scene

Traces of evidence in calendar (incl URL links): noted business, shop, address, building, near the crime scene (e.g. meetings), travel itinerary items with dates and places 

Discovery Accuracy

95% discovery of traces of evidence

Crime scene perimeter can be set from 500x500m to 25x25km based on the crime details

10,000 simulated personal data were tested on 1,000 crime scenes set up in selected USA cities

Sample Crime Scenes

Crime scene proximity for evidential traces discovery

Sample traces of evidence

Illustrative traces of evidence related to crime scene and its surroundings

Sample traces of evidence

Illustrative traces of evidence related to crime scene and its surroundings

Sample traces of evidence

Illustrative traces of evidence related to crime scene and its surroundings

Verification Crime Scenes

Set up verification crime scenes in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago , Houston, Phoenix

Information and quotes

Personal Data Forensic by Crime Scene © 2024 by Komosny is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Image by mrsiraphol on Freepik