
True Edge-trigerred D flip-flop Built From 555s

1 Why D flip-flop built from 555s?

This project began as an offshoot of my first contribution to the 555 design contest. Initially, I wanted to make a circuit with blinking LED which would use no components other than 555s. I was actually successful in creating astable multivibrators that were built solely from 555 ICs, but unfortunately, their output frequencies were in the range of kHz. Simply put, they were too fast for blinking LED. And so I asked myself "hey, what if I made a 555 frequency divider which would lower the frequency into the Hz range?"

A quick Google search yielded several circuits like this one... but I could not use that. It is essentially a mere monostable multivibrator and it can divide input frequency only thanks to the fact that it cannot be triggered when it already is in the non-stable state. In other words, it is not a true frequency divider, it works properly only in very narrow frequency range. Moreover, it requires a large capacitor, which goes against my goal to build it solely from 555 ICs. A somewhat deeper Google search yielded this circuit - that looked a bit better, but its maximum operating frequency was very limited.

So I decided to try a different approach - I asked myself "what is the simplest true frequency divider?" As I suspected, the answer was the circuit in figure 1.1 - an edge-trigerred D flip-flip which has Q and D signals connected together (I copied the picture from this article which also explains how the divider works).

D-type frequency divider
Figure 1.1. D-type frequency divider

All I had to do was to construct the D flip-flop from 555s... somehow.

2 555-to-DFF transformation

I've used edge-trigerred D flip-flops in my CPLD and FPGA projects many times, yet I never realized how complicated their internal structure actually was. The flip-flop can be constructed from NAND or NOR gates and reacts to rising or falling edge of clock signal, respectively. You will find both versions in figure 2.1. I took the picture with NAND version from this Wikipedia page, the picture with NOR version is from this article (by the way, the article explains in great detail how the D flip-flop actually works).

Edge-trigerred D flip-flop from NAND gates

Edge-trigerred D flip-flop from NOR gates

Figure 2.1. Edge-triggered D flip-flop made from NAND gates (a) and from NOR gates (b)

As is apparent from figure 2.1, the D flip-flop can be built from three R-S flip-flops... and luckily, one R-S flip-flop can be found inside every 555 IC! Now, I was uncertain whether the 555 employs NAND-based or NOR-based R-S flip-flop, but I found the answer pretty quickly - it reacts to positive pulses from voltage comparators, so it has to be a NOR-based flip-flop. Unfortunately, the R, S, Q and Q signals are not directly accessible on 555 pins, which complicates things a little. Therefore, for the next step, I had to know a detailed logic model of 555 behavior. I was a bit surprised that someone already made this - if you want to have really, really in-depth understanding of the 555 behavior, read this 555 modelling manual written by Mike Brinson. He presents a model of digital part of 555 on page 6; his model even simulates gate propagation delays by RC networks. However, the model on page 6 describes only digital part of 555; analog parts are modelled by comparators, transistors etc. like in real 555. This was a good start, but it was not entirely what I needed - I needed to model the entire 555 as a digital circuit. In other words, I needed a model which would describe 555's behavior if I regarded all inputs as digital inputs: 0 V representing logic '0' and +5 V representing logic '1'. Why, you ask? Well, I was trying to build a D flip-flop, which is a digital circuit!

Figure 2.2 Digital model of 555 behavior

Fortunately, it was really simple to create a digital model of 555 behavior (I used mr. Brinson's model for starters), you will find it in figure 2.2. The digital part of the 555 is essentially a NOR-based R-S flip flop with two reset inputs - one is controlled by THRES comparator at pin 6 and second is master reset input at pin 4. The S input is controlled by TRIG comparator at pin 2.

Now let's see what happens if we take the comparators into consideration. The THRES comparator at pin 6 reacts when the input voltage is higher than 2/3 VCC - which means that +5 V (logic '1') at this input translates to logic '1' at the R input of the R-S flip-flop. This is very good, because from logic standpoint, this comparator is transparent - hence it can be modelled as simple wire in the "comparators" box in figure 2.2. But the TRIG comparator at pin 2 reacts only if input voltage is lower than 2/3 VCC - in other words, S is logic '1'  only when there is logic '0' at pin 2. So the TRIG comparator behaves like logic invertor and had to be modelled like that. This unfortunately means that from logic standpoint, pin 2 is actually S input of the R-S flip-flop.

The Q output of the R-S flip-flop is connected directly to pin 3. The Q output of the R-S flip-flop controls the discharge transistor, which is connected to pin 7; it is essentially an open-collector output. Unfortunately, pin 7 cannot serve as Q output of the entire 555, because when pin 3 is in logic '1', the transistor is closed.

Logic invertor built from 555
Figure 2.3. 555 as logic inverter

So from logic standpoint, the 555 behaves like a R-S flip-flop with two reset inputs, but its set input and one reset input is inverted. Moreover, it lacks the Q output. But to build the D flip-flop from figure 2.1b, I had to correct these shortcomingst. And there was a really simple way to correct them - I had to add inverters to the affected signals/pins. It is fairly easy to build an inverter from 555, one possible schematic is in figure 2.3. All I had to do now was to put it all together and create a R-S flip-flop which would have three inputs R1, R2, S and outputs Q and Q. The result is schematic in figure 2.4 - here IC1, IC2 and IC4 are just inverters and IC3 serves as the actual flip-flip. I tested this R-S flip-flop on solderless breadboard and it worked exactly as it should - a positive pulse on the S input set the Q output to logic '1', whereas positive pulse on R1 or R2 input set it to logic '0'. 

Figure 2.4. Complete R-S flip-flop built from 555s

Finally, it was the time to build an actual edge-trigerred D flip-flop from three these R-S flip-flops according to schematic in figure 2.1b. The resulting schematic is in figure 2.5. As you can see, it uses ten 555s, so I highlighed the individual R-S flip-flops and their inputs and outputs, so you could better see what role every 555 plays in it. Moreover, the schematic has the same layout as in figure 2.1b. Two R-S flip-flops (named A and C in figure 2.5) need just one reset input, so they have only two inverters; the second reset input (pin 4) of IC2 and IC9 is permanently connected to VCC.

Complete D flip-flop schematic
Figure 2.5. Final edge-trigerred D flip-flop schematic (click for larger image)

Of course, I tested the circuit from figure 2.5 on solderless breadboard. It really worked, but only in static mode. When I connected the Q output to D input to make the frequency divider, severe oscillations appeared at both outputs when the CLK input was held low. Now, my test circuit on solderless breadboard was really a mess; there was a very real possibility that those oscillations could have been caused by various parasitic couplings on the breadboard. So I decided to create a test PCB which would allow me to test the D flip-flop properly. Just to be sure, I added decoupling capacitors to it - it was easier than doing a new PCB in case the capacitors were really needed. This is the reason why you can see all those decoupling capacitors in figure 2.5, even though I originally planned to make the D flip-flop solely from 555s.

By the way, if you want to try this yourself, build your D flip-flop exactly as is in figure 2.5, otherwise it might not work. For example, the D flip-flop will not work properly if you swap the R1 and R2 inputs of the bottom R-S flip-flop. This is because the 555 reset inputs are not equal; in some datasheets, you will find a line like this: RESET can override TRIG, which can override THRES.

Moreover, I strongly recommend using CMOS 555s in the flip-flop! It worked most reliably with TLC555CP, it behaved practically like "real" integrated D flip-flop. With LMC555CN, it was somewhat unpredictable - for instance, it failed to work when I simply swapped some ICs! I found out that IC4 is especially sensitive - it worked with some  LMC555CNs, with others it failed.

The flip-flop was practically useless with TI's bipolar NE555P, it behaved more like random state generator than flip-flop with these ICs. And with National Semiconductor LM555N, it didn't work at all - for some reason, not even the inverters worked with these ICs! I think National implemented the internal logic of these ICs differently, though I'm not sure exactly what this difference is.  

3 D flip-flop test board

So as I said, I created a test PCB to test the DFF properly, see figures 3.1 and 3.2. I made it in freeware Eagle 5.11, you can download the source files here ZIP icon. The board employs a polygon to distribute VCC (instead of GND) - I chose this simply because many more 555 pins are connected to VCC.

DFF test board bottom layout

DFF test board component placement
Figure 3.1. Layout of D flip-flop test board

DFF test board photograph, copper side

DFF test board photograph, component side
Figure 3.2. Photographs of D flip-flop test board (click for larger images)

First, I tested the board without any decoupling capacitors:
So I added the decoupling capacitors to see what will happen... and it did not help! I got exactly the same behavior as above.

In this video, I demonstrate how the D flip-flop works in static mode with TLC555CP:

Unfortunately, when I connected the D and Q signals together to make a frequency divider, the circuit again spontaneously oscillated when the CLK input was held low. That was exactly the same behavior I encountered on the breadboard. Oscilloscope screenshot with these oscillations is in figure 3.3 and their frequency is about 1 MHz. Unfortuantely, adding all 14 decoupling capacitors to the board did nothing to improve things. Therefore, I must sadly report that the circuit in figure 2.5 works like D flip-flop, but cannot be employed as a frequency divider. To say the truth, I'm not sure why the circuit oscillates. My best guess is that it is caused by many non-symetric propagation delays which are introduced by the 555 inverters. In other words, whereas the flip-flop in figure 2.1b is symmetrical and so are all propagation delays within it, my 555 flip-flop is not. I guess this could be corrected by adding non-inverting (buffer) 555s to some interconnects, but I really don't feel like doing this. If you succeed in this, let me know.

Oscillations of frequency divider
Figure 3.3. Spontaneous oscillation of frequency divider as seen on Q output

4 Test of modified 555 inverters

As I described in chapter 3, the 555 inverters were quite sensitive to the part number of the actual 555 used - they worked with some and failed with others. I came to think that the inverter in figure 2.3 may not be the best implementation, because this site recommends a slightly different circuit. The difference is that pin 6 is not connected permanently to VCC, but together with pin 2 represents the inverter's input. The modified circuit is in figure 4.1. This circuit behaves more like Schmitt inverter - its input has a voltage hysteresis between 1/3 and 2/3 VCC.

Modified 555 inverter
Figure 4.1. Modified schematic of 555 inverter

I made this inverter modification to the test board - I simply cut pins 6 from the VCC plane and connected them with pins 2 by short pieces of wire. Photograph of the modified board is in figure 4.2.

Test board with modified inverters
Figure 4.2. Test board with modified 555 inverters (click for larger image)

Unfortunately, this modification did not help much:
So practically the only improvement was that the flip-flop now worked 100% reliably with LMC555CN.

5 Conclusion

The purpose of this small project was to create a true edge-trigerred D flip-flop from 555 ICs. The flip-flop really works, but only in static mode. It cannot be used as a frequency divider, because it spontaneously oscillates in this mode. And since I created the flip-flop exactly because I wanted a frequency divider, I must call this project a failure. However, creating the D flip-flop was still an interesting exercise and I think someone might like it anyway.

I also found out that my flip-flop works only with certain 555 types. In the end, I was able to make it work with both CMOS types I had, but only after I modified the inverters according to schematic in figure 4.1. And conversely, the flip-flop failed to work with both bipolar 555 types, no matter what I tried. Interestingly, when I added the decoupling capacitors to the test board, nothing had changed.