The main objective of the project is to increase safety of persons and property at stadiums during sports matches using industrial research specialized surveillance system. The proposed system will allow panoramic recording of grandstands with problematic spectators at very high resolution so it will be possible in such video sequences perform automatic analysis of image data. Special method of real-time detection of specific events or objects will be designed, such as batting pyrotechnics, fans entering the field of play, occurrence of forbidden codes or symbols, etc. Problematic situations detected in real-time surveillance will allow security guard central monitoring of events on a large area and effective usage of information obtained to suppress rioting.
Further methods will be designed for post-processing of footage, in addition to the automatic marking in mentioned problematic situations it would be possible to analyze situations in order to obtain evidence to convict the troublemakers. These methods allow the detection and recognition of faces or persons dressed in camouflage, monitoring the crowd and search their positions in extensive records. The system will be complemented with database of risk persons to which will be added identified individuals whom will be denied access to the next match by appropriate authority. Information from the database will be shared between the systems so it will be possible to seek the troubled people at all stadiums.
JIMI CZ a.s.