Main R&D areas

In our research activities, we specialize in high-speed communication networks, 5G networks, IoT, Industry 4.0, Smart Grids, Smart Home, cyber security and critical infrastructure security, artificial intelligence, speech and video signal processing, hardware development and testing. Our employees, doctoral students and students are part of top teams composed of academics and professionals from practice. The areas covering our research activities are described in more detail below.
High speed data networks
We research transmission technologies and communication protocols for high-speed data networks, including modern wireless technologies operating in both the licensed (5G+) and unlicensed (IEEE 802.11, LPWAN) frequency band, as well as optical and metallic networks. Our key activities include design, development and testing of communication systems, analysis of traffic and transmission parameters, design, simulation and measurement of data networks with a focus on ultra-high frequency communications (mmWave), modern mobile applications such as augmented reality, virtual reality, mechanisms of dynamic spectrum management, use of drones as autonomous flying base stations and modern electronic weareability - wearables.
Internet of Things, Industry 4.0 and sensors
We deal with communication technologies and protocols for data transmission within the emerging communication scenarios for end users (Internet of Things) and industrial enterprises (Industry 4.0). The key point of research activities is the ability to design, construct and verify the functionality of the proposed devices and the subsequent software implementation of selected functionalities. Attention is focused on the development of terminal devices (sensors for measuring physical quantities) and communication units (aggregation gateways), which are deployed within intelligent networks (Smart Grids).
Cyber security
We are engaged in research and implementation of mechanisms for ensuring cyber security in information and communication systems. We use modern ciphers, which we deploy on a wide range of devices from simple chip cards to high-speed network elements operating at speeds above 100 Gbps. In addition to providing cryptographic protection, we are able to test your systems for known vulnerabilities, ensure compliance with legislative requirements and determine performance limits, especially of network elements. We do not focus only on classic IP networks, our domain also includes industrial and energy communication networks.
Artificial intelligence, data processing and analysis
We are researching advanced artificial intelligence methods for big data analysis and acceleration of computations on our high-performance supercomputers. Our technologies are able to offer solutions to a range of problems from advanced visual quality control of products, through security and guarding of premises, predictive maintenance of various types of equipment, including power grids, and prediction of future behavior, including automation of complex processes control.
Energy and Smart Grids
The research groups focuses on communication and transmission technologies for energy. It designs communication solutions, develops communication modules and units, performs reliability/vulnerability analyzes and implements stress and functional tests. It also researches and develops solutions for analysis, prediction and evaluation of transmitted data and other parameters in advanced analytics, sensors and measurements. Last but not least, it influences a number of trends by participation in the latest technological concepts and cooperation with leading transmission and distribution system operators, by contributions to regulatory frameworks and the national action plan itself - NAP SG.
Hardware development, analysis and testing
We are engaged in research and design of advanced functional blocks of integer and fractional order for processing mainly analog and mixed signals. Part of our activities is also non-destructive testing and diagnostics of developed hardware, evaluation of reliability of electronic systems, EMC, climatic resistance (temperature, humidity).
Processing of biomedical signals
We are researching new approaches to advanced analysis of a wide range of diseases and disorders, such as Parkinson's disease, Lewy body dementia, epilepsy, developmental dysgraphia, oncological diseases, cardiovascular diseases, etc. This research combines methods of signal processing (image, speech, accelerometric, etc.), machine learning, statistics and the Internet of Things.
Analysis and processing of audio signals
We are engaged in research of methods of reconstruction of damaged sound signals and archival sound records, use of deep neural networks for obtaining information from sound signals, research of methods of analysis of sound signals and their use in acoustic, electroacoustic and noise measurements, modeling of electroacoustic and audio systems and research of analysis and synthesis of sound for virtual reality.