
senior-os short logo

Operating System for Elderly People and Mentally Disabled Individuals

Senior citizens often face difficulties using PCs and are frequently victims of cyberattacks

senior-os logo

Basic idea

The operating system is developed by students as part of their projects under academic supervision

The operating system will be free

We solve

Ending the endless cycle of problems and fixes when a senior citizen uses an operating system

Protecting against cyberattacks and timely informing the senior’s caregiver in case of issues

No more changes – the same environment will be on all used PCs


Currently offered student projects

Contact for collaboration prof. Dan Komosny

Development code and further information


Dan Komosny, Hung Ngo Quang, Ondrej Kudela, Tarik Alkanan, Zacek Jan Filip, Nguyen Tuan Ninh, Vala Robin, Brablik Petr

Email client

Web browser

Application for senior's caregiver

Sources and images used on this page and in the operating system